

Before and after of a Post-op Manual Lymphatic Drainage client

The Therapeutic Touch: How Manual Lymphatic Drainage Accelerates Healing and Post- Surgery Recovery


Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) stands as a specialised massage technique that plays a pivotal role in promoting healing and overall wellness. This gentle, rhythmic therapy targets the lymphatic
system, a crucial component of the immune system. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of MLD and explore how it aids the body’s natural healing processes, along with valuable post-surgery recovery tips.

Before and After of a Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage client on the back of the legs at Laura's Touch, Bromley Clinic

Before and After of a Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage client on the back of the legs at Laura’s Touch, Bromley Clinic

Understanding the Lymphatic System:

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and nodes responsible for transporting lymph – a clear
fluid containing white blood cells, proteins, and waste products. Unlike the circulatory system, the
lymphatic system lacks a pump, relying on muscle contractions and external stimuli for fluid

How Manual Lymphatic Drainage Works:

Manual Lymphatic Drainage involves a series of precise, light strokes and rhythmic movements
directed towards lymph nodes. Therapists use gentle pressure to stimulate lymphatic vessels,
encouraging the flow of lymph and facilitating the removal of toxins and waste products from the

Enhanced Immune Function:

By promoting the circulation of lymph, MLD boosts the immune system’s efficiency. This can help the body ward off infections and illnesses, making it an excellent adjunct to overall health and healing.

Edema Reduction:

MLD is highly effective in reducing oedema, or swelling, caused by fluid retention. Whether post-
surgery, injury, or due to a medical condition, the gentle massage helps mobilise excess fluid, leading
to decreased swelling and improved mobility.


The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body. MLD assists in flushing out
metabolic waste, environmental toxins, and other harmful substances, contributing to a cleaner,
healthier internal environment.

Speeding up Healing Post-Surgery:

Before and After of a Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage client to the upper legs and lower abdomen at Laura's Touch, Bromley Clinic

Before and after of a Post-op Manual Lymphatic Drainage client at Laura’s Touch, Bromley Clinic

After surgery, the body’s natural healing processes are often hampered by inflammation and fluid
buildup. Manual Lymphatic Drainage can accelerate recovery by reducing swelling and promoting
the drainage of excess fluid, leading to a quicker healing time.

Post-Surgery Recovery Tips:

• Stay hydrated to support the lymphatic system in flushing out toxins.
• Follow prescribed post-surgery exercises to aid circulation and prevent stiffness.
• Elevate the affected area to reduce swelling.
• Wear compression garments as recommended by your healthcare provider.
• Consider a balanced, nutrient-rich diet to support overall healing.
• Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption, as they can hinder the healing process.

Alleviating Chronic Conditions:

MLD has shown efficacy in managing chronic conditions such as lymphoedema, fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis. By improving lymphatic circulation, individuals with these conditions may
experience reduced symptoms and improved quality of life.


Manual Lymphatic Drainage stands as a valuable therapeutic tool in the realm of healing. Its ability to support immune function, reduce oedema, aid in detoxification, and expedite recovery after surgery, combined with the suggested recovery tips, underscores its significance in holistic healthcare. Whether as a standalone treatment or complementing other therapeutic modalities, MLD offers a gentle yet powerful approach to promoting wellness and supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Please contact for a free consultation prior to booking or you can book now by clicking here:

Furthermore, Laura’s touch offers convenient, cost-saving, block-booking packages. 7 for the price of 6 or 12 for the price of 10 on all treatments. If you would like to find out more about block booking your sessions please click here:

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